Saturday, January 11, 2025

We Are the Dinosaurs - Family Storytime

A Tuesday morning storytime for ages 0-6 years old.  

Opening #1: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” from Songs for Wiggleworms by Old Town School of Folk Music

Opening #2: Roly Poly Oh So Fast (hand rolling body part chant adapted by Carol Hopkins)

Roly poly, roly poly, oh so fast!
Roly poly, roly poly, oh so slowly.
Roly poly, roly poly, up.
Roly poly, roly poly, down.
Roly poly, roly poly, hands on your head.
Roly poly, roly poly, hand on your feet.

(Repeat with other body parts)

Roly poly, roly poly, hands in your lap.



Literacy activity flannelboard: Dem Bones (dinosaur name song found at Nancy Stewart Song of the Month site

Print out an assortment of dinosaurs with their names written next to the dinosaurs.  Hand out these dinosaur papers to the children.  Sing the song, naming a different dinosaur each time.  When a dinosaur is named in the song, the children bring that dinosaur up to the board where we tape them onto the board.  When the song is done, we count the number of dinosaurs on the board. 

Dem bones, dem bones, dem dinosaur bones
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dinosaur bones
Dem bones, dem bones, dem dinosaur bones
Put’em all together and this is what you get.



Book #1: One-Osaurus, Two-Osaurus by Kim Norman, illustrated by Pierre Collet-Derby

Stand-up activity: “We Are the Dinosaurs” action song from The Best of the Laurie Berkner Band by Laurie Berkner

Sit-down activity: Dinosaurs Lived a Long Time Ago (action rhyme I found at   

Dinosaurs lived a long time ago
Some walked (stomp)
Some swam (swim motions)
Some flew, you know!  (flying motions)
Some were big (hands above head)
Some were small (squat down low)
Some were gigantic  (stretch arms to side)
And very, very, tall  (stretch arms up high, on tip toes)


***Parent literacy tip:  To help your child practice listening skills, talk about what you are going to do – for storytime or for your day’s activities.  This can be done in any language! 

Transition: Come 'A' Look And See (fingerplay song I first picked up at a workshop conducted by Jane Cobb but can also be found on the music CD The Baby Record by Bob McGrath)

Come a' look a' see, here's my mama, 
(point to thumb)
Come a' look a' see, here's my papa, 
(point to index finger)
Come a' look a' see, my brother tall, 
(point to tall finger)
Sister, baby, 
(point to ring, then baby finger) 
I love them all. 
(Kiss the fingertips of your finger family) 


Book #2: Dinosuar Roar! By Paul and Henrietta Stickland

Book #3: Dinosaur Stomp!: A Monster Pop-Up by Paul Stickland (pop-up)

Closing music with egg shakers: “I Know a Chicken” from The Best of the Laurie Berkner Band by Laurie Berkner

Art activity: Dinosaur toy footprint painting on paper plates plus dinosaur stickers






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