Thursday, January 30, 2025

Oink-A-Doodle-Farm Animals - Family Storytime

A Tuesday morning storytime for ages 0-6 years old.  

Opening #1: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” from Songs for Wiggleworms by Old Town School of Folk Music

Opening #2: Roly Poly Oh So Fast (hand rolling body part chant adapted by Carol Hopkins)

Roly poly, roly poly, oh so fast!
Roly poly, roly poly, oh so slowly.
Roly poly, roly poly, up.
Roly poly, roly poly, down.
Roly poly, roly poly, hands on your head.
Roly poly, roly poly, hand on your feet.

(Repeat with other body parts)

Roly poly, roly poly, hands in your lap.



Literacy activity flannelboard: Hi-Ho the Derry-O Baby Animals on the Farm

I found some "Animal and their young" matching card print outs on the Twinkl education resource website. I made multiple copies of the baby animals and handed them out to the children. When I put a mother animal on the board, the children with the corresponding baby animal would then place their card on the board. 


***Parent literacy tip:  Animal noises are great sounds to learn.  Learning sounds is part of learning to read.      



Book #1: Oink-A-Doodle-Moo by Jef Czekaj

Stand-up activity: Animal sounds dice (from a Farm Animal pop-up storytime kit I borrowed)

Sit-down activity: Hickory Dickory Dock (traditional fingerplay)

Hickory dickory dock 
A mouse ran up the clock 
(one hand run up the other arm) 
The clock struck 1 
(clap once) 
The mouse ran down 
(one hand run down the other arm) 
Hickory dickory dock 

Hickory dickory dock 
A mouse ran up the clock 
The clock struck 2 
(clap twice) 
The mouse said "BOO!" 
(try to tickle child) 
Hickory dickory dock 

Hickory dickory dock 
A mouse ran up the clock 
The clock struck 3 
(clap three times) 
The mouse said "Wheee!" 
(one hand slide down the other arm and the down to the floor as if on a slide) 
Hickory dickory dock 

Hickory dickory dock 
A mouse ran up the clock 
The clock struck 4 
(clap 4 times) 
There is no more 
(shake head, show empty hands) 
Hickory dickory dock.


Transition: Come 'A' Look And See (fingerplay song I first picked up at a workshop conducted by Jane Cobb but can also be found on the music CD The Baby Record by Bob McGrath)

Come a' look a' see, here's my mama, 
(point to thumb)
Come a' look a' see, here's my papa, 
(point to index finger)
Come a' look a' see, my brother tall, 
(point to tall finger)
Sister, baby, 
(point to ring, then baby finger) 
I love them all. 
(Kiss the fingertips of your finger family) 


Book #2: Big Fat Hen by Keith Baker

Book #3: Honk! By Chris L. Demarest (lift-flap)

Closing music with egg shakers: “I Know a Chicken” from The Best of the Laurie Berkner Band by Laurie Berkner


Art activity: Cut and color pig hat/headband (Supplies: tape, pink pipe cleaners, scissors, metallic pens, black dot stickers)

Optional other books:
The Cow Loves Cookies by Karma Wilson
Don’t Worry Wuddles by Lita Judge



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