A Tuesday morning storytime for ages 0-6 years old.
Opening #1: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” from Songs for Wiggleworms by Old Town School of Folk Music
Opening #2: Roly Poly Oh So Fast (hand rolling
body part chant adapted by Carol Hopkins)
Roly poly, roly poly, oh so fast!
Roly poly, roly poly, oh so slowly.
Roly poly, roly poly, up.
Roly poly, roly poly, down.
Roly poly, roly poly, hands on your head.
Roly poly, roly poly, hand on your feet.
(Repeat with
other body parts)
Roly poly, roly poly, hands in your
Literacy activity
flannelboard: “Blue Bird
Through My Window” (traditional song)
{Blue Bird, blue
bird} through my window.
{Blue Bird, blue bird} through my window.
{Blue Bird, blue bird} through my window.
Oh, Johnny, I’m tired.
(Night, night.)
(Substitute other
colors as needed.)
Book #1: My Garden by Kevin Henkes
activity: “The Goldfish” from Victor Vito by Laurie
activity: Two Little Hands (action chant I picked up many years ago)
Ten little fingers go wiggle, wiggle,
Two little hands go clap, clap, clap.
Two little feet go tap, tap, tap.
Two little fists go thump, thump, thump.
Two little legs go jump, jump, jump.
One little body turns around,
And everyone sits quietly down.
Transition: Come 'A' Look And See (fingerplay song I first picked up at a workshop conducted by Jane Cobb but can also be found on the music CD The Baby Record by Bob McGrath)
a' look a' see, here's my mama,
(point to thumb)
Come a' look a' see, here's my papa,
(point to index finger)
Come a' look a' see, my brother tall,
(point to tall finger)
Sister, baby,
(point to ring, then baby finger)
I love them all.
(Kiss the fingertips of your finger family)
Book #2: Silly Sally by Audrey Wood
Book #3: Ice Cream Face by Heidi Woodward Sheffield
Closing music
with egg shakers: “I Know a Chicken”
from The
Best of the Laurie Berkner Band by Laurie Berkner
Art activity: Cupcake wrapper flower glued onto blue
paper, with green craft foam strips for stem, and craft foam sprinkle stickers
(leftover from another craft program) as seeds.
Optional other books:
Mama Cat Has Three Kittens by Denise Fleming
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