Friday, February 14, 2025

Here Come the Animals - Baby Toddler Storytime

A Tuesday morning storytime for ages 0-2 years old.  

Opening #1: Skinnamarink (action song from Car Songs: Songs to Sing Anywhere by Dennis Buck from Kimbo)

Opening #2: Sticky, Sticky Bubblegum (fingerplay)

Sticky, sticky bubblegum, bubblegum, bubblegum; 
Sticky, sticky bubblegum;
Stuck to your __________.
1, 2, 3, PULL!

(Repeat with more body parts)



Book: Here Come Poppy and Max by Lindsey Gardiner

***Literacy tip: When you read a book to your child, running your finger under the text teaches them that you are reading words on the page. 

Stand-up activity: I’m a Duck/Goose (sung to the tune of "Frere Jacques," adapted by Carol Hopkins from a song found at Step By Step Child Care)

I'm a duck, I'm a duck
(sign language for duck)
Watch me waddle, as I walk
(waddle walk)
Hear me when I talk, hear me when I talk
Quack, quack quack! Quack, quack, quack!

I'm a goose, I'm a goose
(sign language for goose)
Watch me sway, as I walk
(waddle walk)
Hear me when I talk, hear me when I talk
Honk, honk, honk! Honk, honk, honk!


Sit-down activity: On My Toes There Is a Flea (action rhyme I found at but have seen elsewhere)   

On my toe there is a flea
Now it’s climbing on my knee
Past my tummy, past my nose
On my head where my hair grows
On my head there is a flea
Now it’s climbing down on me
Past my tummy, past my knee
On my toe… Get off, you flea!


Lap rhyme #1: Tick Tock (lap bounce)

(bounce baby from leg to leg)

Tick tock, tick tock, I’m a little cuckoo clock.
Tick, tock, tick tock, now it is one o’clock… Cuckoo!
(raise baby up for each cuckoo)

(repeat for other times of day)
Now it is two o’clock… Cuckoo! Cuckoo!

Now it is three o’clock… Cuckoo! Cuckoo! Cuckoo!


Lap rhyme #2: Counting Bubbles (counting rhyme I learned during a BrainDance workshop)

One bubble, two bubbles, three bubbles, top.
(pat legs with hands for each number chanted, then place hands on top of head)

Three bubbles, four bubbles, five bubbles, drop.
(pat legs with hands for each number chanted, then drop hands to lap)

Six bubbles, seven bubbles, nine bubbles, pop.
(pat legs with hands for each number chanted, then clap hands loudly in front of body)

Ten little bubbles floating down!
(twinkle hands down to floor)

Now let’s blow _____ bubbles.
(This is a breath exercise.  Pick a number and pretend to blow that number of bubbles through hand.  Don’t forget to pop the bubbles with a loud clap after blowing it up.  I count the bubble while I do the clap.) 


Lap rhyme #3: Head, Shoulders, Knees, and Toes (traditional body parts action song)

Head, shoulders, knees, and toes,
Knees and toes.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.
And eyes and, ears and, mouth and nose.
Head, shoulders, knees and toes,
Knees and toes.


Transition: Come A’ Look And See (fingerplay song I first picked up at a workshop conducted by Jane Cobb but can also be found on the music CD The Baby Record by Bob McGrath)

Come a' look a' see, here's my mama, 
(point to thumb)
Come a' look a' see, here's my papa, 
(point to index finger)
Come a' look a' see, my brother tall, 
(point to tall finger)
Sister, baby, 
(point to ring, then baby finger) 
I love them all. 
(Kiss the fingertips of your finger family) 


Letter of the day: "P” is for Poppy



Flannelboard: A Squirrel Lives In a Tree (to the tune of "The Farmer In the Dell" that I found at the Program Palooza blog by Carol Simon Levin)

A squirrel lives in a tree.  A squirrel lives in a tree
He’s as cozy as he can be -- A squirrel lives in a tree.

(more verses)
A snail lives in a shell…Oh, yes it suits him very well.
A bear lives in a cave…He comes out to give a wave.
A fish lives in the sea…We will all just let him be.
A bird lives in a nest…That’s where she goes to take a rest.


Closing song with egg shakers: “I Know a Chicken” from The Best of the Laurie Berkner Band by Laurie Berkner 





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