Sunday, June 23, 2024

Summer reading presentations 2024 edition

The world feels much more normal this year!  Summer reading presentations were back in full swing the last few weeks.  Man, it feels good, even if my schedule was a little crazy!  It was wonderful to feel supported by my branch staff and coworkers at other branches.  

This year I tried out a new filler for when my presentation does not fill up the entire class period.  I brought the trivia cards from my new Disney trivia game.  I learned which Disney movies and TV series are well known by the students, which are somewhat known and/or remembered, and which movies and series the kids really haven't seen.  

I also got to share a new book (to me) with the Kindergartners, first graders, and second graders.  They totally enjoyed the silly interactions of this book.  

Dandelion Magic: Go Ahead Make Your Wish! by Darren Farrell, illustrated by Maya Tatsukawa 

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