Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Water - A Family STEAM & Stories Event

This program was intended to introduce STEAM concepts through stories and exploration activity stations to families with children ages 3-8 years old.    

Intro song:  Hello Friends (sign language action song for the words hello, friends, science, fun, and time)

Hello friends,
Hello friends,
Hello friends,
It's time to say hello.

Hello science,
Hello science,
Hello science,
It's time to have some fun.  


Demonstration and Storytime:

·         Show the word cards for water.  Talk about what the definition of this word. 

·         Talk about the places you can find water in our lives.  Write the list on the white board. 

·         Talk about the water cycle using word cards for evaporation, condensation, and precipitation:

 The Kindergarten Unit “What Is Water?” from contains a good explanation where water comes from. 

 There is a good explanation of the water cycle as well as a good graphic at . 


·         Sing the “Water Cycle Song” found at

The Water Cycle Song
(to the tune of “London Bridge” by Rebecca Millerjohn)

All the rain comes pouring down,
(wiggle fingers down)
Pouring down, pouring down.
All the rain comes pouring down,
Down from the sky.

The sun comes out and dries and it up,
(put arms up like sun)
Dries it up, dries it up.
The sun comes out and dries and it up,
Back to the sky.

The water vapor makes a cloud,
(roll hands around)
Makes a cloud, makes a cloud.
The water vapor makes a cloud,
Up in the sky.

The wind comes out and blows it round,
(blow a wind and wave arms back and forth)
Blows it round, blows it round.
The wind comes out and blows it round,
All through the sky.

Lightning flashes and thunder claps,
(clap hands together)
Thunder claps, thunder claps.
Lightning flashes and thunder claps,
Up in the sky!

(repeat the cycle starting with rain)



·         Read: All the Water in the World by George Ella Lyon, illustrated by Katherine Tillotson
(Optional other book: Water Can Be... by Laura Purdie Salas, illustrated by Violeta Dabija)

·         Instruct on how to use the stations. 




Station #1- Water bead play  

The children explore and play with the container of water beads using funnels, spoons, and measuring cups.  Warning: The water beads can be a potential choking hazard!


Station #2 – Absorbent vs. Non-absorbent (as seen at )

I followed the directions found on this website to provide a variety of materials that the children can hypothesize and then verify if they are absorbent or not. 


Station #3 – Gravity painting with watercolor paints 

I directed children to follow the directions to use pipettes to paint with liquid watercolor paints and gravity. 



Station #4 – Temporary lava lamps (as seen at )

The children were given directions on how to measure the oil and water and then add an Alka-Seltzer tablet to create a temporary lava lamp that involves gases and water density. 




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