- Opening - Skinnamarink (from Car Songs: Songs to Sing Anywhere by Dennis Buck at Kimbo), Sticky Sticky Bubblegum
- Book #1 – I Stink! by Kate and Jim McMullan
- Stand-up Activity - I'm a Little Garbage Truck (action song to the tune of "I'm a Little Teapot" written by Carol Hopkins)
Here is my hopper
Here is my cab
When I get all filled up, to the dump I go
Just tip me over and dump the garbage out
- Bridge - Open Shut Them (fingerplay)
(open and close hands)
Open, shut them
Give a little clap (clap)
Open, shut them
Open, shut them
Put them in your lap
(put hands in lap)
Creep them, creep them
Under your chin
(creep fingers up chest)
Open your mouth, but don't put them in
(do as words say)
Open, shut them
Open, shut them
Give a little clap
Open shut them
Open shut them
Put them in your lap
- Flannelboard/Math Activity - Five Little Garbage Trucks (counting down rhyme, I'm not sure where I found this one)
- Sit-down Activity - Garbage Truck Rolls (fingerplay to the tune of "Wheels On the Bus" adapted by Carol Hopkins)
The garbage truck drives down the street
As it picks up garbage
The garbage truck stops adn goes, stops and goes, stops and goes
The garbage truck stops and goes
(use other action words)
- Book #2 - Trashy Town by Andrea Zimmerman and David Clemesha, illustrated by Dan Yaccarino
- Activity – Morning At the Dump (fingerplay written by Carol Hopkins)
Early in the morning, down at the dump
See the dump trucks standing all in a row
See them dump their garbage
(bend fingers)
Dump, dump, dump
Now watch them rolling away
(roll hands over each other)
To go gather more
(sign language for "more")
- Closing - Scarves to the song "Flitter, Flutter" from The Second Line by Johnette Downing
- Craft – Glue shredded paper onto a drawing of a recycling truck
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