- Opening - Skinnamarink, Sticky Sticky Bubblegum
- Book #1 – Down By the Cool of the Pool by Tony Mitton, pictures by Guy Parker-Rees
- Activity – Can You Growl Like a Tiger? (action rhyme, unkown origin)
Can you hop like a frog?
Can you climb like a monkey?
Can you bark like a dog?
Can you slither like a snake?
Can you fly like a bat?
Can you howl like a wolf?
Can you stre-ttt-ccchh like a cat?
Can you sit like a kid at storytime?
- Flannelboard – Five Green and Speckled Frogs
- Book #2 – Maisy's Pool by Lucy Cousins
- Activity – Big Round Sun (action rhyme I found at http://www.thebestkidsbooksite.com/funfingerplay.cfm)
(form large circle with arms)Winked at a cloud that was passing by.
(wink eye)The little cloud laughed as it scattered rain,
(flutter fingers downward)Then out came the big round sun again.
(form large circle with arms)
- Closing - Eggshakers using "I Know A Chicken" from Whaddaya Think of That by Laurie Berkner
- Craft – Painting
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