Friday, March 18, 2016

Family Library Challenge

Last month my library celebrated "Take Your Child to the Library Day" as an effort to reach out to families we don't see on a regular basis.  We like to do passive programming throughout the day for this event since we have plenty of other big events happening at the library throughout the year to plan for.  This year, one of our passive ideas included a type of scavenger hunt that we named a "Family Library Challenge." As the name suggests, this scavenger hunt was to be done as a family, although some older children did it on their own.  Every child who finished 6 out of the 12 tasks got a piece of candy and a sticker. This challenge was a great way to introduce families to some unfamiliar areas of the library.

  1. Read a book that is a winner or an honor winner of the Caldecott Award for most distinguished picture book illustrations.  (Hint: These books have special stickers on their spines.)
  2. Discover where the learn-to-draw books are located. Grab some paper and pencils and try to draw one thing from a learn-to-draw book. (Note: Paper and pencils can be found at the Children's Desk.) 
  3. Leave a thoughtful review on a post-it note in a book you really loved. (Note: Post-it note paper can be found at the Children's Desk.)
  4. Find a joke or riddle book. Share one joke and/or riddle from this book with a library staff member.
  5. Search for a poem in a poetry book and read it out loud.
  6. Discover the atlas stand on the second floor. Pick out one atlas book and spend some time looking at it.
  7. Find a baby name book. Make a list of funny name combinations or look up the meaning of your name.
  8. Meet someone new. Read a biography from the children’s section on someone you know very little about.
  9. Show off your architectural skills.  Build a block tower.
  10. The very first library in Puyallup was started by pioneer Eliza Meeker in her cabin located where the ivy trellis is in Pioneer Park. Go stand under this ivy trellis and jump 5 times.
  11. Explore the Friends of the Library Book Store. Purchase something for a special person in your life. (The money goes to a good cause…to support your library!)
  12. Make sure each child in your family has their own library card or library book bag. (Puyallup Public Library bags are only $1.)

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