Monday, August 14, 2023

Little Ducks - Family Storytime

A Saturday morning storytime for ages 0-6 years old.  

Opening #2: “Row, Row, Row Your Boat” from Songs forWiggleworms by Old Town School of Folk Music

Opening #2: Roly Poly Oh So Fast (hand rolling body part chant adapted by Carol Hopkins)

Roly poly, roly poly, oh so fast!
Roly poly, roly poly, oh so slowly.
Roly poly, roly poly, up.
Roly poly, roly poly, down.
Roly poly, roly poly, hands on your head.
Roly poly, roly poly, hand on your feet.

(Repeat with other body parts)

Roly poly, roly poly, hands in your lap.



Literacy flannelboard: Ducky Duck Colors (flannelboard color rhyme written by Carol Hopkins)

Directions: Make a set of geese in different colors. Hand these geese out to the children, one per child. Say the rhyme, naming one color each time. The children come up and place their goose on the board when you say the color of their goose.

 Ducky, ducky, duckling,
Please come play with me.
Ducky, ducky, {red} duck,
Join the flock and me.



Book #1: Come Along, Daisy by Jane Simmons

***Parent literacy tip: Exploring emotions through stories and books is a safe way to process potentially fearful situations and feelings.  With a trusted adult they feel safe reading these stories while developing critical thinking skills needed to navigate unknown situations. 

Stand-up activity: Little Duck, Little Duck (action rhyme adapted from the jump rope rhyme "Teddy Bear, Teddy Bear Turn Around")

Little duck, little duck waddle around.
Little duck, little duck touch the ground.
Little duck, little duck wings go flap.
Little duck, little duck beak goes "Quack! Quack!"
Little duck, little duck jump into the river.
Little duck, little duck give a little shiver.
Little duck, little duck find your feet.
Little duck, little duck find your seat.

Sit-down activity: Little Ducklings (action chant adapted by Carol Hopkins)

Ten little duckling line up in a row
(stand up straight)
Quack, quack, quack
(clap three times)
And away they go.

They walk behind their mother waddling to and fro
(waddle walk)
Quack, quack, quack
(clap three times)
And away they go.

Down to the big pond, happy as can be
(make large circle with both arms)
Quack, quack, quack
(clap three times)
And away they go.

They jump in the water to bob up and down
(bend knees a couple of times to bob)
Quack, quack, quack
(clap three times)
And away they go.

They swim all around, and swim right out of sight
(make swimming motions)
Quack, quack, quack
(clap three times)
And away they went.
(wave good-bye)


Transition: Come 'A' Look And See (fingerplay song I first picked up at a workshop conducted by Jane Cobb but can also be found on the music CD The Baby Record by Bob McGrath)

Come a' look a' see,
Here's my mama, 
(point to thumb)

Come a' look a' see,
Here's my papa, 
(point to index finger)

Come a' look a' see,
My brother tall, 
(point to tall finger)

Sister, baby, 
(point to ring, then baby finger) 
I love them all. 
(Kiss the fingertips of your finger family)


Book #2: Five Little Ducks by Denise Fleming 

Closing music with scarves: “Popcorn Calling Me” action song from Buzz Buzz by Laurie Berkner

Art activity: Color with dot markets and then cut out duck feet that can be taped around the ankle.  





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