Saturday, July 27, 2019

Painting to Learn with Shapes

This was a special painting program the library did where children and their caregivers paint together, each on their own canvases.  The point of the program is to make children and their parents aware of shapes, patterns, or colors while creating art.  All a part of making the young children of our community ready to start kindergarten.  

Opening - "My Ups and Downs" action song from Jim Gill Sings Do Re Me On His Toe Leg Knee by Jim Gill and Tommy Thumbs fingerplay 

Tommy Thumb is up (thumbs up)
and Tommy Thumb is down. (thumbs down)
Tommy Thumb is dancing all around the town.
Dancing on your shoulders,
dancing on your head,
Dancing on your knees,
then tuck him into bed.

Theme intro - 
Hold up a variety of shapes
How many sides does this shape have?
How many corners does this shape have?
What does this shape remind you of in your world?
Shapes are all around us.  In just a few moments you will have the opportunity to paint a picture, and maybe you will include some of these shapes in your painting. 

Flannelboard - Shape Match Up (adapted by Carol Hopkins to the tune of "Muffin Man")
Directions: Hand out a red circle, blue rectangle, or yellow triangle to the children (only one shape per child). Review the different aspects of each shape (sides, corners, etc.). Then sing the song for each shape and allow the children to place their shapes on the flannelboard.

Can you find a [red circle, a red circle, a red circle]?
Can you find a [red circle], then bring it up right now. 

Book - Shape by Shape by Suse Macdonald 

Painting intro - Are you ready to paint with shapes? 
Show the materials we are working with:
  • Aprons
  • Paint brushes
  • Canvas
  • Paint palette on a paper plate
  • Water cups
  • Paper towels
Be sure to rinse off your paint brush with the water cup in between colors.  We will be sharing water cups.
There is more water, paper towels, and paints if needed.
There is no wrong way to do this!  Start with a shape and see where it takes you. 
Dip your paint brush in paint.  Use it to paint a shape, any shape, on your canvas.  What will you do around this shape?  What will your shape turn into?  

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