Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Bridges - A Story and STEAM event

This program was intended to introduce STEAM concepts to preschoolers ages 3-6 years old.  

Intro song #1:  Hello Friends (sign language action song for the words hello, friends, and time)

Hello friends,
Hello friends,
Hello friends,
It's time to say hello.

Intro song #2: If You Are Ready for Stories... (my adaptation of a Rob Reid storytime rhyme)

If you are ready for stories...
...Count to three.
...Stretch your wings.
...Touch your toes.
...Touch your nose.
...Bark like a dog.
...Snore like a log.
...Sit like a kid at storytime.


The Three Billy Goats Gruff by Jerry Pinkney

STEAM questions and concepts:

What problem did the goats need to solve?

What is a bridge?

A bridge is a structure that gets you from one side of something to another.  A bridge is a structure that allows people and vehicles to cross over an open space.  Bridges span, or stretch across, deep pits in the earth, bodies of water, train tracks, and roads. 


Show photos of different types of bridges. Mention the names of these types of bridges.  

Show the homemade bridge made of out cardboard and two paper cups.  Predict how many toy cars can fit on this bridge before it falls down.  Start piling on the cars as you count them.  

Now make the bridge with three paper cups.  Predict how many cares will fit with the extra support.  Pile on the cars and count.  

Remind caregivers to ask question of the budding engineers so that they will think like scientists.  


Station #1- Encourage children to experiment with the demonstration bridge and cars.

Station #2 - Encourage children to use folded or rolled papers to make a bridge to span the distance between two large blocks.  Next, have them count them count how many glass stones (the type used in flower vases) each different type of bride will hold.  If able, they can also test their own paper bridge.  

Station #3 - Encourage children to create a unique bridge with the art supplies provided.  


Station #2 did not go as intended.  The children mostly played with the glass stones, both on and off the paper bridges.  One child made a clever pattern with the stones all lined up on table.  

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