Saturday, November 29, 2014

Read for the Record with Bunny Cakes

On October 21, my library participated in Jumpstart's 2014 Read for the Record nation-wide campaign to set a new world record for the greatest number of people reading the same book on the same day.

The book of choice this year was Bunny Cakes by Rosemary Wells.  A perfect choice for an audience of 3 to 7 year olds.  After the reading, we put out some activities to extend the fun.

Writing activity - We put butcher paper up on one wall with the words "Shopping List" at the top.  We invited the children to add to Ruby's shopping list by writing or drawing or gluing pictures cut out of magazines.

Art activity - We made simple bunny ear headbands that the children decorated with color pens and stickers.

Math activity - Max dumped all of the birthday candles, silver stars, hearts, and roses into one box.  We asked the children to sort these decorating supplies into their marked bowls.  (We actually used beads for the stars, hearts, and roses because they can be used again for a future program.)

Gross motor activity - Toss "Red Hot Marshmallow Squirters" (bean bags) into a stand up drawing of Max's cake (we cut holes into the cake drawing).

This program turned into a fun celebration of two well known characters, Max and Ruby!

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